“ Physical rehabilitation is a hard task; rehabilitating successfully is even harder; Still, making it look simple to my patients is where my success is.”
Mr. Robin V. Varghese is an accomplished physical therapist treating a variety of conditions with great success for the past sixteen years. Mr. Varghese earned his degree from the prestigious MGR University in Chennai, India in 1999 and has been treating patients ever since. He works with patients of all ages from infants to the elderly. His goal is that his patients live their lives to the fullest and he works to gain them comfort in mobility no matter their condition.
Mr. Varghese treats a range of conditions from developmental disorders to paralysis. He has treated infants who were just 1 day old that suffered injuries from birth, to patients over 100 recovering from strokes and falls. His core vision is to keep learning from patients and from the cutting edge research in the field to help better serve his community.
One of the techniques he is well known for is his “functional approach” treatment strategies for people recovering from strokes. A stroke can be a frightening event in many people’s lives and coming back to functionality can be a challenge. Keeping the goal of getting one back to full health is at the forefront of the physical therapy efforts and the exercises prescribed. The “functional approach” is also being used for paraplegics and amputees to help them have a more normal life in the wake of the life-changing event. This technique has allowed many people to recover functionality and ambulant functionally with fewer spasticity effects. By focusing on outcomes and not just treatments, recovery and/or rehabilitation can be successful over a shorter period of time.
His functional approach extends to his work with other types of ailments. His efforts for Parkinson’s sufferers have also been far-reaching and well appreciated by his patients. Many of his patients with Parkinson’s disease have been able to gain functional recovery and improve their balance and able to live more fulfilling lives. They have time and again stated the difference his approach has made compare to other treatment strategies they have had in the past. By using physical therapy in conjunction with other prescribed treatments it allows Parkinson’s patients to be more active overall, adding to their quality of life.
For his elderly patients he provides a variety of services which have improved quality of life whether they suffered a stroke or have had a fall or is just weak physically. His treatments also focus on preventing injury. His Fall Prevention and Balance restoration program takes the disabilities and problems caused by old age into account and are packed with exercises that his patients can perform safely and efficiently to deliver a great result. By staying within the bounds of what a person’s body is capable of and cognizant of its needs they are able to heal and become more mobile. There is nothing like being able to play with grandchildren or enjoy different activities one’s whole life.
The range of treatment also varies for those receiving surgeries and joint replacements. For those that needed a hip or other joint replacement he uses his “Gravitational Mobilization” technique which is very unique and can provide full recovery of functional range of motion in joints with the minimal of pain. His goal for this process is to also allow the person to move around without pain or a limp. Not all therapists have strategies suited for joint replacement rehabilitation that allow for confident and full recovery. For Mr. Varghese’s treatment protocol has allowed for faster recovery times as well, with four weeks being the average for a successful Joint Replacement Rehabilitation. By using progressively graded exercise sessions he is able to get someone up and walking in no time at all!
Sometimes injuries are more extensive and need even more specialized care. Mr. Varghese’s treatment strategies for cervical and lumbar fusion also have big advantages to allow for complete range of motion recovery with very little tightness in the scar tissue and few muscle spasms. These are challenging problems for any person, and getting back the ability to turn one’s head or move more freely can make a huge difference. Dr. Varghese works closely with the surgeon to create a rehab protocol tailor-made for his patients. This provides for optimal recovery.
For those suffering from pain, Mr. Varghese has devised a strategy that uses a combination of manual therapy techniques designed by various experts in the field as well as integrating his own strategies and technique for results. Pain doesn’t have to just be treated with medication; the techniques and exercises on the cutting edge of physical therapy can make vast improvements and ease pain or remove it over time.
This focus on care shows in the loyalty of his patients. Patients of Mr. Varghese often say they would go nowhere else for Physical therapy at any point in their life. Through word of mouth he has become very popular. Unlike other clinicians, he takes the time to get to know each patient and their needs. Through this method he is able to make sure they are getting better with every session. That is one reason why he was voted as the favorite therapist in Brownsville for 2015.
Mr. Varghese’s team of highly qualified and experienced therapists at Valley Healing Hands LLC has a wealth of knowledge and experience. They provide Physical therapy, Occupational therapy and Speech therapy. The core value of his team is care in both approaches to in-office visits and home-care appointments. They are goal oriented, looking to aid patients with their personal needs. There is also an emphasis on remaining cutting edge in the newest techniques and knowledge of the physical therapy field. Certification and continuing education are an ongoing process for all of the therapists so they can help their patients with the best knowledge and skill the field can provide. He has developed his team with this vision in mind.
At his office in Brownsville, Southern Texas he has brought high end technology into the rehabilitation, a cutting edge technology that is usually only found in larger cities like Dallas in the state of Texas. For example, he uses Microcurrent stimulation for a better and long lasting pain management for his patients. He hopes to continue to expand his operation by introducing robotic training for therapy in the valley and other technologies to help his patient community. The Lokomat walking training Robot is a great tool to help his patients – young children and elderly as well who is suffering from Stroke, Spinal cord injuries, Parkinsonism, Cerebral Palsy etc., to walk better. As he often states, ‘Full functional recovery is where art of healing and science of healing break even’. Mr. Varghese is a visionary that cares about recovery, and he is here to help.
How is it different?

Treats all age groups
Treats a variety of conditions
Functional approach for Stroke, paralysis and amputee patients
Improve functional abilities in parkinson's
Fall prevention and balance restoration for seniors
Gravitational mobilization for Hip and Knee replacement rehab
Painfree recovery in Cervical and lumbar fusion surgery rehab
Voted Brownsville's favorite therapist in 2015
His team of therapists for Home health therapy services
Robotic walking training, Microcurrent pain management
Our Address
3475 W Alton Gloor Blvd, # D,
Brownsville, Tx- 78520
Phone: 9563502143
Fax: 9563503744

The Professional Healer